Squinthia's Place

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Location: United States

Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Way to Really Help

There is a website called www.onehundredfriends.org set up by one of my instructors at a California community college. This guy is totally dedicated to making lives better wherever he goes, and where he's going next is to Sri Lanka to get 20 families back on their feet after their fishing village was wiped out by the tsunami.

He simply collects donations. He's been doing this for 15 years and has an amazing record of finding individuals and families that need help--medical or whatever--that actually costs very little in dollars and seems so easily given from our point of view. But small amounts of money are very hard to come by in many places, and he pinpoints and solves peoples' problems; sometimes he saves lives this way.

Go to his website and see--he's a great instructor, but he's leaving town this summer to do whatever he can, wherever he goes, for the rest of his life. Try to help; it doesn't take much.